Monday 11 December 2017


It’s been a year since I started the Tulip Cleaning blog. I did it to promote my cleaning business and as I kept doing it, I realized that I wanted to talk about more than just cleaning and also that the blog could have a life of its own without the cleaning service attached. Plus Tulip Cleaning is riding on a free platform; who would take this seriously? Now, I’ve moved on to this new, bigger blog, My Tulip Living, so that I can talk about more than just cleaning, because there’s a lot that goes into running a household and turning it into a serene environment that you love.

Sunday 16 July 2017


I know I'm not the only one excited about the ban on plastic bags. Let's make the world a better place for ourselves and for our children. It's true, we can do without this menace. All we have to do is look back to the days when our mums went to the market with a basket; you bought fruits from the mkokoteni guy and he wrapped it all in newspaper, somehow. The ban on plastic bags is looming. And I still find it hard to see the days ahead without juala. Will I miss plastic bags? I don't think so.

Saturday 8 July 2017


I'm a mother of three. My youngest is two and a half; "we" are getting toilet trained now. I can't tell you how excited I am about this. It's a huge milestone. She can say when she wants to go for number two. Unfortunately, number 1 is unpredictable, so we've had to deal with 'accidents' a bit too frequently. Every so often, she would be prancing around with the map of urinea drawn on her pants.

Friday 30 June 2017


Does my title disgust you? It should, because under no circumstances should we have any traces of defacation...faeces...excreta in food that is meant for human consumption, to nourish and boost your health for that matter. So how does it get there? Rather than playing the blame game, I'm here to show that Cholera does not discriminate.

Saturday 24 June 2017

UNDERWEAR CARE: How to Wash Your Unmentionables

Do you love your panties? How many times have you heard the unwritten rule that you should always wear nice and clean underwear? Just in case you were involved in an accident you shouldn't be found in dirty, torn undies... I know, it's not even funny, why would anyone be interested in checking them? People, that's just nasty! But, just in case, I've done some research and here are a few pointers on how to keep them clean while preserving that fabric and colour.

Wednesday 14 June 2017


Lately, I've been nursing the idea of growing my hair... Yet, I don't like going to the salon, it could be because I'm watching my coins...or maybe it's because the cocktail of hair products in use produces a rather potent perfume that's become unbearable for me. So if I do decide to grow these African coilies, I'm going to have to dig up some cheap ways to maintain it at home. In my deep and thorough research I have found an unusual hair conditioner right here in my pantry, TEA.

Tuesday 6 June 2017


It's happened. The wait is over. We're new purrents. I am proud to be owned by two beautiful 15month-old gibs, Kaka and Kujo. I remember waiting and waiting for them, on the day of their arrival, feeling like time had stopped. I had only seen them in a photo a few days prior - it felt like they spoke to me. You could say, they chose me, because I stopped my search right there. Would you take in a grown cat? Would you take two?!

Saturday 27 May 2017


Ever heard of the expression "old woman and her cats"? It's not uncommon to find a cucu somewhere that lives with her loyal cat(s). My mom had Whiskers aka Socksy or just paka, who helped keep her grain storage vermin-free. For some reason, the dog has been seen to be man's best friend (referring to the human race). Incidentally, the cat is favoured mostly by the woman. This is possibly a myth, maybe we should take a poll. In my household, my husband is more of a cat person than me.

Monday 22 May 2017


We've killed two snakes in a corner of our compound this month alone, crawling down from the neighbour's tree. It's not like the grass is greener on our side, but we have something that's more inviting...rats! I wrote a post a while back about these unwanted guests. I remember how shocked I was to discover that a female rat is ready to mate at 2 months old, and can produce 12 litters of pups per year, each litter with up to 14 pups. That still shocks me.

Friday 12 May 2017


      I loved watching Clean House, hosted by comedienne Niece Nash. I also remember the British TV show "How Clean is Your House" back in the day, and what struck me as a common trait in the homes was how the families were affected by