Saturday 27 May 2017


Ever heard of the expression "old woman and her cats"? It's not uncommon to find a cucu somewhere that lives with her loyal cat(s). My mom had Whiskers aka Socksy or just paka, who helped keep her grain storage vermin-free. For some reason, the dog has been seen to be man's best friend (referring to the human race). Incidentally, the cat is favoured mostly by the woman. This is possibly a myth, maybe we should take a poll. In my household, my husband is more of a cat person than me.
I see myself as a dog person that loves cats. Anyhow, after my recent experience in a certain cat-friendly Facebook group, I got inspired to write the little I know about this creature, the cat. How well do we truly understand cats?

When you decide to to take in a feline friend, there are a few things you should know. Sadly, one of which is that you will most likely out-live your cat. Now, I'm sure you've heard of the simile "as curious as the cat". That's the reason right there. Cat's are insatiably curious creatures. They will probe at a 'thing' with their paws, sniff and check to see if it moves... They will look into every carton box or empty paper bag, possibly give it a sniff and play with it as well. Unfortunately, their curiosity often leads them to great danger. We're amazed at how they escape death...8 times (we all know that cats have 9 lives, don't we?) Their death is more-often-than-not a consequence of this character...but certainly not the focus of this post.

Cats bring immeasurable joy to its people (read "owners"). As kittens they are so cute, adorable and irresistible. God just knew why He had to make kittens that that they can be rescued, of course! Can you really walk away from that tiny kitten looking at you with its beady eyes, meowing for its lost mother? Not me. I've succumbed a couple of times.  Then come the trials especially before they discover the litter box. Besides having to live with the peeing accidents in hidden places, you'll probably also have to put up some old curtains because kittens are obsessed with vertical movement; from climbing up your trousers to scurrying up to the curtain box. I once had a stray kitten we named Ted, who spent a great deal of time zig-zagging on our drawn curtains every evening. That said, the feline is both friend and foe.

FRIEND: Once the litter box is out and the kitten knows how to 'go' outside, it's pure bliss. Literally. You've found yourself a beautiful, living cushion that loves you back. To the cat you're his living furniture, and that's ok. From now on, all you have to do is feed him and love him. Maybe even be on antihistamines for your allergy for the rest of your co-habitation. Once in a while you may brush his coat at your pleasure. Otherwise, he's got a natural brush, his tongue. And while you enjoy each other's company, guess which company you won't ever have to deal with - rats! A hands-free way to deal with vermin! I advocate for this method any day. Rats get the scent of your cat and keep off, because your cat rubbed himself on all your corners, doors, furniture legs and carpets to spread his scent. It gives the feline a sense of belonging or security when he can smell himself everywhere he goes. You could say he a rat-repellent. DISCLAIMER: This beautiful life is true of having a neutered cat. However, if your cat is still a "stud", I'm afraid you'll be telling a different story.

FOE: As a tom cat grows into adolescence, things get a little more serious; actually very serious. Those that have had un-neutered tom cats know that this when they probably regretted adopting the cat. Since they are territorial animals, young males tend to spray their urine on surfaces to mark their space, thus keeping other tom cats at bay. It doesn't matter if you live in an apartment six storeys up and there is no other male cat in the building. Your tom cat will go by its instincts to spray your home. At first, you won't even notice, and when you do, it's too late. Once a tom cat starts spraying, all you can do is start praying - that you don't get visitors!!! Because he won't stop. The scent of old cat urine is visitors. You, on the other hand, will have acclimatised. So beware. Look out for signs: do you see any streaks down you wall or door? Take a whiff at the sides of your sofas. Watch to see if the tom shakes his hiney towards the door.

I can't believe I've written this much. Can one ever write too much about these mysterious pets? And yeah, get yourself a lint roller.

Moments with Shaka, Prince and Whiskers

Thumbnail cat image source

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