Friday 12 May 2017


      I loved watching Clean House, hosted by comedienne Niece Nash. I also remember the British TV show "How Clean is Your House" back in the day, and what struck me as a common trait in the homes was how the families were affected by
their dirty living environment. They just all seemed to be weighed down and stressed with life. And this was clearly reflected by the state of hygiene in their homes. The hosts of these shows created humour but they also counselled the featured home owners. There are lots of reasons to keep your home clean. Here are 3 good ones:

1. To Promote a Feel-Good Environment
Living in a dirty and untidy environment ‘eats’ your mind. Your subconscious mind will be so distracted by the mess that it prevents you from fostering positive thoughts. It kills relaxation. This explains why you can tell a person’s psychological health by the state of his or her personal hygiene. If you notice that your friend’s home is slowly turning into a pig sty, have a 'talk' because she could be suffering in other ways, then try to encourage her to clean up or even do it with her and she may start to feel better. A messy bedroom will interfere with your bedroom activities. A dirty kitchen will result in poorly prepared meals or food contamination. When you walk into a spa, you expect heightened relaxation partly due to the clean and tidy atmosphere. So when you keep your home clean, you will feel good from the inside out.

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2. To Keep Pests Away
We humans leave a dirty trail everywhere we go. We shed skin and hair every single day. We sweat, poop and fart - all of which is a part of good health, by the way. The way we handle our waste matters a great deal. Food leftovers that is poorly disposed of will attract flies, rats, mice and cockroaches. These guys can walk over your good food and bring strange diseases I can’t even pronounce. The layer of dust on your books, on your carpet and under your bed come with mites and allergens that bring discomfort and the sniffles every time you walk into that room. A dirty mattress, sheets and clothes will attract bedbugs and micro-organisms that cause scabies and ringworms and a whole lot of embarrassment. You want to keep these pests away, so clean up!

3. To Impress Your Guests

Why not? That’s motivation enough. Whether or not you love hosting, you will have people visiting you once in a while, like a close friend or relative or even your landlord. Unless they’re unwanted guests, you’ll probably be serving some drinks, snacks or perhaps a well-prepared meal. If your home is a dirty mess, you can be sure your guests will not enjoy whatever it is you’re serving. They’ll come up with all sorts of excuses to get out, like: they weren’t hungry, or they were just passing by or they "didn't mean to bother you". And once out the door, they won’t be coming back anytime soon – unless they forgot the car keys or a wallet!

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Whatever your reasons, you'll find that you'll love your home more when it's clean and tidy. It becomes more inviting and definitely more relaxing. So if anything, just do it for yourself.

Thumbnail Niecy Nash image source

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