Friday 27 January 2017


I am NOT a clean freak. I need help. That's why I started my housekeeping service, to help all those busy home owners out there find some sanity in there homes. With this responsibility comes the learning process. Lucky for me, I am also surrounded by ladies who know about cleaning a little more than I do. So now I can share a few tips on the Home Dry Cleaner liquid.

Ok. I realise it's not common sense so I will state it here. Your cleaning cloths must also be thoroughly cleaned. Just because you use it to clean a surface does not mean it is itself clean. Soak the sponges in a bowl with Home Dry Cleaner for some minutes. Wring out and let it dry. After a week of mopping, your mop also needs a good wash. Soaking it in Home Dry Cleaner  (HDC) will do.

Electronics Cleaner
I do not like finger prints on my phone's screen. My 2 year-old makes sure I get enough of it Yuck! You don't want to go spreading your garlic breath all over the place. Take an optical cloth, spray it with HDC and wipe your larger electronic screens in an 'S' pattern. The TV screen will look amazing. This cleaning method can be used for your the keyboard, all chrome finishes such as bathroom and kitchen faucets, and stainless steel appliances.
everyday. I've learnt to simply 'frost' it with my breath and wipe down with my shirt and its clean again. But you shouldn't do that with your iPad or laptop screens.

Label Residue Remover
I don't like barcode stickers on cutlery, glass or plastic dishes. I can think of a number of ways supermarkets can display the barcode of an item without actually sticking it on the item itself. And what about those huge and unsightly stickers on your microwave or deep freezer?!!! Really? Yet it
Image: WikiHow
looks like stickers are here to stay and so is my constant irritation when the label wouldn't come off neatly! Good thing I have found ways to remove this sticky mess from glasses and plastics, one of which is Home Dry Cleaner. Remove the excess sticker and spray the rest with HDC and scrape off gently with a plastic spatula or your nails.

Microfibre Sofa Cleaner
If you have a young baby or toddler, there is a very high chance your sofa gets as much food stains as the baby's bib. If it's not baby's throw-up, it's yesterday's smoothie or last week's yoghurt. Either way, your lovely sofa's do not reflect your classy, clean self. Well, consider that sorted. With the Home Dry cleaner, you can actually douse your seats and take care of the mess without spoiling the upholstery. Spray the Home Dry cleaner liquid on the spot with old food and rub away with a clean cloth.

There's more you can do with HDC such as cleaning up the baby's car-seat, freshening up your carpet and as a spot cleaner. I also shared a post here on how you can use it to clean some elaborate chandeliers.

As a precaution (perhaps I should have mentioned this at the beginning of this post), Home Dry Cleaner is highly flammable, so keep it away from fire and switch off electrical appliances before cleaning them with HDC. Secondly, always use a clean cloth when working with HDC to avoid transferring dirt from a dirty cloth. After cleaning a number of homes now, I can count in one hand the number of clean cleaning cloths I have come across out there. A dirty cloth cannot produce a clean result. To get your surfaces clean, please use a CLEAN cloth. To get your floor spotless, please use a CLEAN floor rag or mop. If your cleaning cloth start to smell funky, GET RID OF IT.

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