Tuesday 3 January 2017


Is it that day already? Yes it is. There's no other way to go about it but to actually do it (or get us to do it for you). Either way, it has to be done. The partying is over. It's clean up time. Where do you start?

Clearing up a week of party trash needn't be so daunting. If you have no one to help, these tips should be handy. All it takes is time and a positive attitude.
Cleaning up is actually a very effective stress reliever and a pick-upper! Much like boxing or kneading chapati dough... Once you've made up your mind to tidy up, get to it and don't stop until it's all done. I suggest, you start with your main hosting area and then move to the other rooms of the house, one day at a time. Do it in 3 stages:

1. Garbage Collection
You should have about a handful of bags to pick up all the junk. I also like to separate my plastic waste so I would use a separate bag for those. Start on one end of the room and move in one direction, from counter tops and tables, down to chairs, sofas and floors. Remember to check under and behind sofas for hidden treasure. Since not everything is going to the bin, use another bag for things like dirty clothes or for the deco items. Once you're done collecting the trash, deposit the garbage bags at your dumpster - outside your house.

2. Clean-up
With the rubbish out of the way, your house may appear to be clean, but it probably still reaks of spilt drinks and stale food. The cleaning process should be done from higher areas and end on the floor. Put a teaspoon of dish liquid soap in a spray bottle and fill with water. Spray and wipe the surfaces like the counter tops, tables and chairs, with a microfibre cloth as needed. Treat all food or wine stains accordingly. Next, sweep or vacuum your floors before finally mopping up. Remember, hardwood floors should be mopped with a damp (almost dry) mop to preserve its fine finish. You may have to move your sofa cushions, carpet or rug outside to get some fresh air. If you're not cleaning your sofas or carpet right away, mix some vinegar and fabric softener in a spray bottle and spray them. Vinegar absorbs bad odours while the fabric softener will give them a fresh scent.

3. Tidying up
The air should feel fresh by now, though your just about back breaking point. Hang in there, it's almost over. Start on one spot in the room and move in one direction so that you cover every corner. Again, it's best to start from the higher surfaces, moving down to the floor, bringing back into the room all the stuff that was basking in the sun. Finish with some flowers or a fruit centre piece on your kitchen counter.
Source: Azizi Realtors
When it's all done, you will feel so soooooo good!!! But don't be tempted to start another room right away, because fatigue will quickly catch up with you. You might wake up 4 hours later wondering why you're sleeping on your bathroom floor with a spray bottle in your hand. However, if you have company, you can clean-up a bigger area, including your windows or call for help. There's no better way to start your year.

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