Friday 27 January 2017


I am NOT a clean freak. I need help. That's why I started my housekeeping service, to help all those busy home owners out there find some sanity in there homes. With this responsibility comes the learning process. Lucky for me, I am also surrounded by ladies who know about cleaning a little more than I do. So now I can share a few tips on the Home Dry Cleaner liquid.

Friday 20 January 2017


My niece is joining form one! What the...!!! How old am I? Where did the time go and what have I been doing all this time? I remember 4 or 5 years ago when her mom would complain about how she always lost her sweaters and socks at school. Who loses socks? Why would she take them off in the first place?!! Stacy was a very active girl at the time. By the time she got home from school, her uniform was not uniform with the others.

Tuesday 3 January 2017


Is it that day already? Yes it is. There's no other way to go about it but to actually do it (or get us to do it for you). Either way, it has to be done. The partying is over. It's clean up time. Where do you start?

Clearing up a week of party trash needn't be so daunting. If you have no one to help, these tips should be handy. All it takes is time and a positive attitude.